Category Archives: Contest Rules

Lite 105’s “Harlem Globetrotter Ball Kid” Web Contest Official Rules

Lite 105’s “Harlem Globetrotter Ball Kid” Web Contest Official Rules A complete copy of these rules can be obtained by contacting radio station WWLI (“Station”),1502 Wampanoag Trail, East Providence RI 02915, during available business hours Monday through Friday, on the Station website, or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the above address. The…MORE

Official Contest Rules – HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS

Official Contest Rules – HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS Posted on January 20, 2022 Official Contest Rules – At Work Ticket Giveaway EVENT – WWLI-FM TICKETS – WWLI-FM  Official Rules A complete copy of these rules can be obtained by contacting radio station WWLI-FM (“Station”),1502 Wampanoag Trail, East Providence, RI 02915, during available business hours Monday through Friday, on…MORE

Official Contest Rules – MADONNA TICKETS WWLI-FM

Official Contest Rules – MADONNA TICKETS WWLI-FM Posted on December 29, 2022 Official Contest Rules – 90’sAT NOON EVENT – WWLI-FM TICKETS – WWLI-FM  Official Rules A complete copy of these rules can be obtained by contacting radio station WWLI-FM (“Station”),1502 Wampanoag Trail, East Providence, RI 02915, during available business hours Monday through Friday, on the…MORE

Lite 105’s “Lite Nite In The City” Contest Official Rules

Lite 105’s “Lite Nite In The City” ContestOfficial Rules A complete copy of these rules can be obtained by contacting radio station WWLI (“Station”),1502 Wampanoag Trail, East Providence RI 02915, during available business hours Monday through Friday, on the Station website, or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the above address. The Station…MORE

Official Contest Rules – Impossible Question

A complete copy of these rules can be obtained at the offices of radio station WWLI-FM (“Station”),located at 1502 Wampanoag Trail East Providence, RI 02915, during available business hours Monday through Friday, the Station’s website, or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the above address. The Station will conduct the WWLI’s “Impossible Question”…MORE

LITE 105’s Wheel Of Fun Contest Official Rules Taylor Swift 2023

LITE 105’s “Wheel Of Fun” Contest Official Rules Taylor Swift 2023 A complete copy of these rules can be obtained by contacting radio station WWLI-FM (“Station”),1502 Wampanoag Trail, East Providence, RI 02915, during available business hours Monday through Friday, on the Station website, or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the above address.…MORE

LITE 105’s Wheel Of Fun Contest Official Rules

LITE 105’s “Wheel Of Fun” Contest Official Rules A complete copy of these rules can be obtained by contacting radio station WWLI-FM (“Station”),1502 Wampanoag Trail, East Providence, RI 02915, during available business hours Monday through Friday, on the Station website, or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the above address. The Station will…MORE

WWLI’s STOCKING STUFFER Weekend Text In To Win” Contest Official Rules

A complete copy of these rules can be obtained at the offices of radio station WWLI (“Station”),located at 1502 Wampanoag Trail East Providence, RI 02915, during available business hours Monday through Friday, the Station’s website, or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the above address. The Station will conduct the WWLI’s “Stocking Stuffer/BILLY…MORE


WWLI’S “DRIVE AT 5” CONTEST – WWLI-FM Posted on December 12, 2022 Official Contest Rules – Drive at 5 WWLI’S “DRIVE AT 5” CONTESTOFFICIAL RULESA complete copy of these rules can be obtained at the offices of radio station WWLI (“Station”), located at 1502 Wampanoag Trail East Providence, Rhode Island, 02915 during available business hours…MORE

Official Contest Rules- Stocking Stuffer Weekend Text in to Win

WWLI’s STOCKING STUFFER Weekend Text In To Win” ContestOfficial Rules A complete copy of these rules can be obtained at the offices of radio station WWLI (“Station”),located at 1502 Wampanoag Trail East Providence, RI 02915, during available business hours Monday through Friday, the Station’s website, or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the…MORE

